Friday, July 29, 2011

Treasure Hunting Spoils

Hello lovelies!

I do apologise that my self-imposed study hiatus turned into a slightly more extended break than originally planned. I spent my mid year uni holidays mostly kicking around Brisbane searching for treasure and hanging with my friends, so I will also share some of those adventures with you all over the coming weeks.

Now it’s the first week back at school and my last semester before I graduate at the end of the year. I’m feeling a little nostalgic about finishing my degree and also terrified about going out into the real world and being a grown up! But for now I’m feeling inspired and ready to share my crafty ideas with you all.

Below is one of my favourite op shop treasures that I have brought home over the last month or so, and is now hanging in my lounge room. And, as usual, costing just $2, it is pure bargain gold!

Long live ‘70s macramé!


  1. FInally a post! What is the hanging, an owl?

  2. Yes, it's an owl, watching over me being all wise and cool!
