I have been having a very busy last few days, including attending a beautiful wedding last weekend. It was the first wedding I have been to for years, and even though I didn't actually know the couple personally, being my friend's date was still so much fun. I even had my name on the bonbonniere. Of course the bride looked beautiful and everyone was so lovely.
Who doesn't love a good wedding?
PS I also had a good time getting ready, which included curling my hair with hot rollers and pulling silly faces in the mirror while I was waiting for them to set.
And attending a wedding at a posh hotel also required a shopping trip. I bought this beautiful Charlie Brown dress, which I was told looked pretty smashing on the night. Although I did have a slightly insane moment when I was getting ready for the wedding and couldn't actually find the dress, but all was not lost, the dress was hiding in my wardrobe.