Monday, March 14, 2011

Gold Coin Makeover

Since the bliss of last weekend is still fresh in my mind, I'd like to share with you one of the heavenly things I did. Best of all, it cost less than the chocolate croissant I usually treat myself to for breakfast at the markets.

Inspired by my lovely friend of grey grid paper fame and the amazing publication that is frankie, I spent Saturday searching the ops for a specific treasure: vintage pillowcases and bed linens.

As usual the oppies didn't disappoint me.

At two different op shops I found the five beautiful vintage pillow cases above; I even received change from $2.

My bed has now gone from this:

To the Nana floral fever of this:

All I want to do right now is nap on my pretty pillows and have lovely dreams.

PS As an added bonus I found this handmade pretty doona cover at one of the oppies. For only $5 I couldn't leave it behind.

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