Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Introducing Buster

This is Buster.
He is a somewhat hideous kitsch donkey pulling a cart.
Like his namesake Byron 'Buster' Bluth he is socially retarded but totally loveable.
Buster's cactus is called Mother.
She is prickly, stings if you get too close and sucks the life out of her surroundings.
She is his whole world.

For those of you who haven't watched Arrested Development, get up off your computer, go to the nearest DVD store and rent/buy/steal it immediately. I promise you will not be disappointed.

Here is a little preview:
Michael: Maybe it’s time you went out there and got yourself a girl… I mean PET!
Buster: How about a turtle? I love those leathery little snappy faces.
Michael: You certainly have a type.


PS Buster cost just $9 from an op show and a few months after I adopted him, I spotted his almost identical brother GOB for sale in an antique store for $45. In short, Buster was a bargain!!

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