One of the best things about my new house is the picture rail that runs throughout the whole place. It's the perfect place to display some of my favourite works of art including:
- A Johnny Cash Greatest Hits LP thrifted from the op shop by Amy for $2. The perfection of the man in black is obvious here in the vintage oil painting style cover.
- A special edition of Easy Tiger from Ryan Adams, who is always fabulous, one of my favourite musicians and together with Norah Jones wrote one of the best love songs ever: Dear John.
- The Beatles. Abbey Road. Need I say more?
- Fleetwood Mac. Honestly I prefer Rumours to this self titled album, but I think this one has better cover art (and I play Rumours too much to have it up on the wall).
- Lastly 1985 Comes Alive is actually too scratched and damaged to even play, but I just really like the colours and design of the cover art. Plus the '80s were seriously lacking in representation on the wall until I included it in the mix.
Yay for picture rails and yay for awesome people buying you awesome things :) I also have vinyls on rails, they were MADE for them.